#016 ~Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci sends Fathers and Mothers a Telegram From Heaven. We hope you enjoy it. Thanks for dropping by.

Fathers and Mothers, 

Accomplishing something that lasts for centuries takes time. It took me four years to paint “The Last Supper.” It was 15 feet high and 29 feet wide. 

What do you want your legacy to be? 

Allow me to suggest family. Spend the time to cultivate your family relationships. I never married or enjoyed the role of father.  If you have children, encourage them to develop their God-given talents and the traits necessary for victory in life. 

Leonardo da Vinci

Is Leonardo da Vinci in Heaven?

Leonardo da Vinci, born April 15, 1452, is one of the world’s most famous artists who painted perhaps the most famous painting in the world, the Mona Lisa. But much of his art was related to Christianity. He lived in Italy, a predominantly Roman Catholic country, and certainly its influences were keen in his art. The religious debate still continues to this day concerning his faith. Was da Vinci a Catholic? A Christian? The key is whether or not he had faith in Jesus as his savior.

Is Leonardo da Vinci in heaven? Unfortunately there is no written testimony of his faith. But the evidence is conclusive that his faith influenced his genius to spend decades painting his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, spreading the gospel to millions, and guaranteeing him a place in heaven along with all other believers.

It is clear that Jesus Christ was the foundation of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous works of art have served to inspire faith and belief in Jesus Christ for seven centuries. Argueably his second most famous work of art is The Last Supper, his painting that represents the scene of The Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. That’s enough evidence for us to offer Leonardo da Vinci a benefit of the doubt that only he and the saints in heaven can confirm.

A Graphic List of Leonardo da Vinci's Religious Artworks

About Our Telegrams

Through brief, focused and topical messages, Telegrams From Heaven intends to encourage, entertain and inspire our neighbors around the world. We want to provide hope and inspiration. 

The “authors” of each Telegram From Heaven are men and women of accomplishment who lived in the ancient or recent past. Each were known for their faith, or at least the potential for faith during their lifetimes. They are from around the globe, from every walk of life, and their life stories are inspiring and encouraging. We believe these stories offer powerful messages that might help change lives in some small or meaningful way, even if just to improve your walk with God, or to realize someone cares enough to send you a Telegram From Heaven.

The word “heaven” inspires limitless definitions among the religious and non-religious. A few examples include “the home of God,” “a setting of ultimate perfection in the clouds,” or “a place where the resurrection bodies and departed souls of believers spend eternity.” Most often the word conjures up images of ornate, opulent buildings and streets paved with gold. Of beauty, of paradise, of a heavenly kingdom. 

Most Christians believe it is a real place, separate from Earth. Others are convinced it is close enough for its inhabitants to reveal themselves miraculously to the living. So why not by a Telegram From Heaven? It’s certainly something to think about.

Thanks for dropping by.


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CAUTION: Not intended to be read if drunk, constipated or stupid. Do not operate heavy machinery or drive a car while reading telegrams. Do not read while sleeping. Avoid unnecessary attempts to strip waxed floors, remove driveway stains or re-grow hair with telegrams.

THE GOOD NEWS: Telegrams are fat free, caffeine free and non-toxic. No animals have been harmed during the writing or production of content included on this website. Telegrams have not been found to cause cancer in lab mice. Heaven is a real place.

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