#064 ~ Martin Luther

Martin Luther

Welcome to Telegrams From Heaven

Martin Luther shares the importance of heaven in his Telegram From Heaven.

Before we share his telegram, we must first answer the question, “Who is Martin Luther and is he in heaven?” Martin Luther served God as an Augustinian monk, an ordained priest, and professor of theology; he advocated for many ideals, but the main three include salvation by faith alone, the Bible is the sole authority, and the priesthood of all believers; he started the Protestant Reformation in 1517 after nailing his ’95’ Theses to a church door in Wittenberg, Germany; the Lutheran denomination is named for him and, by the grace of God, he is currently in heaven.

We’ve transcribed his telegram into an easier format to read. We hope you enjoy it. Thanks for dropping by.

Martin Luther’s Telegram From Heaven

Dear Friend,
I once suggested that I would not give one moment of heaven for all the joy and riches of the world, even if it lasted for thousands of years. If I was correct in any of my judgments in life, this one is extremely relevant for all.

Martin Luther  

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A Few More Items

Through brief, focused and topical messages, Telegrams From Heaven intends to encourage, entertain and inspire our neighbors around the world. We want to provide hope and inspiration. 

The “authors” of each Telegram From Heaven are men and women of accomplishment who lived in the ancient or recent past. Each were known for their faith, or at least the potential for faith during their lifetimes. They are from around the globe, from every walk of life, and their life stories are inspiring and encouraging. We believe these stories offer powerful messages that might help change lives in some small or meaningful way, even if just to improve your walk with God, or to realize someone cares enough to send you a Telegram From Heaven.

The word “heaven” inspires limitless definitions among the religious and non-religious. A few examples include “the home of God,” “a setting of ultimate perfection in the clouds,” or “a place where the resurrection bodies and departed souls of believers spend eternity.” Most often the word conjures up images of ornate, opulent buildings and streets paved with gold. Of beauty, of paradise, of a heavenly kingdom. 

Most Christians believe it is a real place, separate from Earth. Others are convinced it is close enough for its inhabitants to reveal themselves miraculously to the living.

Thanks for dropping by

WARNING: Telegrams may irritate the eyes, cause soreness in various muscles or induce a groan, a grin, a smile or a laugh. If the reader has no sense of humor, block out anything that has been read and click to other sites without humor, serious religious conviction, credibility or journalistic standards. We recommend the New York Times or Wall Street Journal. The writer involved in the creation of these telegrams was left unsupervised. We apologize. Contact your doctor, priest, rabbi or pastor if horns appear at the top of your head. Reading a telegram has not been “proven” to cause earthquakes, headaches, diarrhea, nausea, or hair to catch fire … yet.

CAUTION: Not intended to be read if drunk, constipated or ignorant. Do not operate heavy machinery or drive a car while reading telegrams. Do not read while sleeping.

THE GOOD NEWS: Telegrams are fat free, caffeine free and non-toxic. No animals have been harmed during the writing or production of content included on this website. Reading these telegrams have not been found to cause cancer in lab mice. Heaven is a real place.

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