Heavenly Quotes, Notes and Anecdotes

The topic of Heaven has been argued, cussed, debated and discussed for millennia. Quotes about Heaven are prevalent in countless articles, blogs, books and other media. But there is one simple book of quotations offering wisdom on Christian living spiced with other spiritual and moral truths.

Heaven is an important topic and Uncle Ben’s Quotebook, written by Benjamin R. De Jong, offers inspirational and instructive quotes, notes and anecdotes describing heaven, who lives there, how to get there, and the rewards upon arrival.

In the Preface to his book Uncle Ben’s Quotebook, Benjamin R. De Jong admits that he gathered his list of quotations on various Christian topics during an extensive 50-year career as a Christian educator and pastor. He includes a quote from Solomon describing the wisdom of using the right words in combination to drive home an important lesson.

According to Solomon, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” 

De Jong’s point, “Many times a brief word fitly spoken can say more than many paragraphs of cumbersome words.”

Hopefully you agree that the lessons about heaven are clearly described in quotes using “words fitly spoken.” And we hope you not find them cumbersome and empty.

How to Get to Heaven

A man may go to heaven without health, without wealth, without fame, without a great name, without learning, without culture, without friends, without ten thousand other things. But he can never go to heaven without Christ!

Choice, not chance, determines human destiny.

He who seldom thinks of heaven is not likely to be on his way to heaven.

It is impossible to have a real hope of heaven and be so deeply engrossed in the pleasures of earth. 

The Road to Heaven

Nature is like an outstretched finger pointing up toward heaven.

He who is on the road to heaven will not be content to go there alone.

If you would be heaven-bound you must be first be heaven-born.

The love of heaven makes one heavenly.

Rewards in Heaven

You can’t cash any checks on heaven’s bank without having made a deposit there.

Treasures in heaven are laid up only as treasures on earth are laid down.

What we weave in this world we shall wear in heaven.

Descriptions of Heaven

In this dark world of sin and pain
We only meet to part again;
But when we reach the heavenly shore,
We there shall meet to part no more;
The joy that we shall see that day
Shall chase our present griefs away. 

Eternity makes heaven to be heaven.

Soon where earthly beauty blinds not, no excess of brilliance palls,
Salem, city of the holy, we shall be within thy walls!
There, beside yon crystal river, there, beneath life’s wondrous tree,
There, with naught to cloud or sever—ever with the Lamb to be.
— H. Bonar 

Oh, blessedly that shall have no night.

HOME, the pilgrims toil is o’er; how sweet the rest…
A voice from heaven declares that such are blessed.
HOME, amid radiant host of saints in light…
HOME, with the SAVIOR, faith now lost in sight…
HOME, in the Father’s house of joy untold…
HOME, where His glories to our eyes unfold…
HOME, blessed Home to praise Him evermore…
HOME, yes at home, forever to adore…
HOME, where His love would have us near His side…
HOME, with HIMSELF forever to abide. 
In heaven above, Marys and Marthas will weep no more because a brother dies. There will be no Rachels weeping for their children because they are not. Broken ties will be reknit; lost links will be found again; all hearts will be bound together and no heart will break, for we shall be where there is fullness of joy and pleasures for evermore.
-- H.K. Downie 
 There is no DAWN that drives away the NIGHT,
 And changes darkness into floods of light,
 But shows us how that even death shall flee
 Before the daybreak of eternity.
 —M.M. Snell  

Jesus Christ and Heaven

It is only a little while, Christian,
Till all labors and trials shall cease;
And, instead of heartaches and sorrows,
There shall be a wonderful peace.

The Savior is coming to claim thee,
He is now preparing your home;
When trials beset thee, oh, whisper,
’Twill only be thus till He come.
The countless multitude on high,
That tune their songs to Jesus’ Name,
All merit of their own deny,
And Jesus’ worth alone proclaim.

Firm on the ground of sovereign grace,
They stand before Jehovah’s throne;
The only son in that beast place
Is, “Thou art worthy! Thou alone!”

 —Choice Gleanings  

God has two thrones: one in highest heaven and the other in the lowest heart.

 All the darkness will be past when I get home,
 And the crown of life at last, when I get home.
 I shall stand before Him;
 Gladly I’ll adore Him;
 Ever to be with Him when I get home. 

Two Stories of Heaven

Building Our Own Mansion
There is a legend of a wealthy woman who, when she reached heaven, was shown a very plain mansion. She objected. 
“Well,” she was told, “that is the house prepared for you.”
“Whose is that fine mansion across the way?” she asked.
“It belongs to your gardener.”
“How is it that he has one so much better than mine?” 
“The houses here are prepared from the materials that are sent up. We do not choose them, you do that by your earthly faithfulness.”
A Country Called Heaven
I want to tell you of a strange and wonderful county, a country where there are no tears or heartaches, a country in which there is no sickness, pain or death. The people who live in this country never get tired. They carry no burdens and they never grow old. No ever says good-bye, for separations are unknown, and there are no disappointments.
In the country of which I am speaking, there is no sin, for no one ver does wrong. There are no accidents of any kind. You will travel for thousands of miles and never see a cemetery or meet a funeral procession. There are no undertakers and no morgues. You will  never see crepe on the doors, for no one ever dies. There they need no gravediggers and coffins are unknown. The clothes that are worn are bright and glistening and no one dresses in mourning.
It is a country where nothing ever spoils. The flowers never lose their fragrance and the leaves are always green. There are no thunderstorms, no erupting volcanoes, and no earthquakes. Upon those fair shores hurricanes and tidal waves never beat. There are no germs or fevers, no pestilence of any kind. The sun never shines and yet it is always light for there in no night there. It is never too hot and never too cold. The temperature is exactly right. No clouds ever darken the sky and hard winds never blow.
There are no drunkards in this county for no one ever drinks None are immoral; men as well as women are pure. There are no illegitimate babies. Prisons, jails and reformatories never darken the landscape. Doors have no locks and windows no bars, for thieves and robbers never enter there. No lustful books are read, and as for unclean pictures, they are never seen. No taxes are paid and rents are unknown. It is a country free from war and bloodshed.
Yes, and let me tell you something else. There are no cripples to be seen anywhere; none are deformed or lame. Nor is anyone blind, deaf or dumb; hence, homes for incurables have never been built for all are healthy, all are well and strong. No beggars are seen on the streets for none are destitute and all have enough. Leprosy and cancer, palsy and tuberculosis are words that this country has never heard. No asylums are there, for none are feeble minded. actors are never needed and hospitals are unknown. 
You ask me how I know all this? Have I been there? No, I have not yet had the privilege of visiting this wonderful country, but others have. And One, at least, who has lived there for a long, long time, has come, and told me a great deal about it. He says it is called heaven, and this is His description of it: “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.” (Rev. 12:3-4).

Do you wan to go there? Then get ready now. It isn’t difficult. All you have to do is to open your heart to Jesus Christ, the Lord of the country, and ask Him to come in. Then, when the journey of life is ended, you too will go to this wonderful country and dwell there for ever more. Will you do it? Do it—NOW?
Oswald J. Smith
Also found in Smith’s book, “The Salvation of God,” thirtieth printing, 1984, Chapter 1.