#001 ~ Elvis Presley

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Welcome to Telegrams From Heaven, featuring this telegram from Elvis Presley. This telegram, from the King of Rock and Roll, introduces an old, and in these modern times an almost unfamiliar method of communication, the telegram, to encourage each one of us. It’s available to read in the telegram below, or you may read the transcription. We hope you enjoy it. Thanks for dropping by.

Dear Friend,

Surprise. Yes it’s me, Elvis. I know it’s been a long time.

Looking back on my life, I most enjoyed singing spiritual songs. Mama loved those songs. She taught me about Jesus. Glad she did. I thought I was a pretty good singer, until I heard the angels.

Did you know I failed music in school? I also tried out for a band. The leader told me to stick to truck driving. He said I’d never make it as a singer.

A favorite song of mine is, “You are always on my mind.” Please know that the big guy always has you on his mind.

Gotta go. Talent show. Noah juggles, David plays a mean harp, Bob Hope tells the same jokes.

By the way, my fans think I’m in hiding. Let’s keep this our little secret for now.


Elvis’ Telegram

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A Brief Overview of Telegrams From Heaven

This telegram, from the King of Rock and Roll, is the first in a series of telegrams from heaven featuring individuals who lived noteworthy lives throughout history. They are men and women of accomplishment who were known for their faith. They are from around the globe, from every walk of life, and their life stories are inspiring and encouraging. We believe these stories offer powerful messages that might help change your life in some small or meaningful way, even if just to improve your walk with God. We hope you will play along with our tongue-in-cheek approach.

Is Elvis Presley in Heaven?

Like all of us, Elvis Presley was a flawed human being. But with his God-given talents, hard work, and the support of fellow musicians, songwriters, producers, other artists and loyal fans, Elvis became bigger than life. He was world famous in his early twenties. He became “The King of Rock-n-Roll.” Tragically, Elvis died at the early age of 42. He died of heart failure, the inevitable result of an ongoing battle with drug addiction.

Elvis was an enigma. An avid, twice baptized church-goer and gospel singer as a youth, a womanizing, drug addicted, worldwide superstar as an adult. So did Elvis’ early faith allow him to receive the eternal life-giving grace of Jesus Christ? Know one here on earth knows for sure. Neither do we know the answer to the other big question. But we will venture a guess. And only a guess. So what’s the Big Question?

Is Elvis Presley in Heaven? If Elvis’ words and deeds relating to Jesus Christ, including two baptisms as a youth, honoring the faith of his mother, proclaiming during a concert that ‘There is only one king and He is Jesus Christ,’ and knowingly or unknowingly witnessing to millions through gospel music for two decades, then it’s possible to argue that Elvis is currently residing in heaven.

But are his public words and deeds enough to give us a fair answer? You must decide for yourself what you believe, but only God, Elvis and the other saints and angels in heaven know for sure.

Allow us the share a little of what we know.


Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi. Elvis’ twin was stillborn. 

Elvis’ was from a working class family. His parents Gladys and Vernon Presley raised Elvis in a strong Christian faith. They attended the Assembly of God Church and enjoyed the gospel music prevalent in the south. Elvis was influenced greatly by gospel music.

For his 11th birthday in 1946, Elvis received his first guitar. Elvis graduated from high school in 1953.


According to a USA Today article, Elvis was physically baptized twice. “Elvis was baptized, undoubtedly, as a child by a Trinitarian Pentecostal preacher in Tupelo, Miss. He was re-baptized, reportedly, as a young teenager by a Oneness Pentecostal preacher in Memphis.”

He learned to love gospel music in church, and he carried that love into his career in music. 

Elvis recorded 11 gospel records— four LP albums, one extended play album and six single records.

Later in life it reported that he said the following, but some say it’s just a myth:

“I believe in the Bible,” he said. “I believe that all good things come from God. I don’t believe I’d sing the way I do if God hadn’t wanted me to.”


Elvis’ true music career began at Sun Studio in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1953. There he cut his first demo record. Soon after Sam Phillip signed him to a record deal. The next year, 1954, he recorded his first single, That’s All Right. A year later he released his first number one hit, Heartbreak Hotel (1955).

Elvis had a unique musical style that included his beautiful voice and his gyrating hips. HIs good looks didn’t hurt. Girls swooned, boys wanted to be just like him.

Elvis soon signed with RCA Records after he signed with his manager Colonel Tom Parker.

Hollywood soon came calling and he signed a movie contract in1956 with Paramount Pictures.

He became a sensation as a guest on several variety television shows, and his first film Love Me Tender (1956) was a box office hit.

Elvis received a draft notice in 1957, and the following year he was inducted into the United States Army in March 1958. Unfortunately while in the Army, but before beginning a tour of duty in Germany, his mother died. Elvis was heart broken. He attended her funeral in Memphis.

In Europe, he fell in love with a teenage beauty, Priscilla Beaulieu,whom he married nine years later on May 1, 1967.

Elvis was discharged from the Army in 1960 and he immediately resumed his career recording songs and acting i movies. He starred in GI Blues (1960), Blue Hawaii (1961), Girls!Girls!Girls! (1962) and Viva Las Vegas (1964). 

In 1967 he married Priscilla in Las Vegas, and nine months later, on February 1, 1968, Lisa Marie Presley was born.

Throughout his career, Elvis earned 18 No. 1 singles, multiple gold and platinum albums. Arguably, only Michael Jackson could rival the worldwide fame generated by his charisma, charm and music.

Elvis was popular in several music genres, including gospel, country, blues and rock. He was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (1986), Country Music Hall of Fame (1998), and the Gospel Music Hall of Fame (2001).


It’s reported that Elvis continued his womanizing ways, along with alcohol abuse and an addiction to prescription drugs. Unfortunately, the marriage didn’t last. Priscilla filed for divorce, which was finalized on October 9th, 1973.

Four years later Elvis’ career and life ended at Graceland when his heart stopped due to an overdose of drugs.


An Urban Legend

Several stories illustrate Elvis’ respect for Christ. One story says that during a concert some of his fans unfurled a large banner. The banner said: “Elvis is King!” According to legend, Elvis noticed the banner, stopped singing in the middle of the song, and said: “There is only one king and He is Jesus Christ.” Powerful if true.

Donnie Sumner, Gospel Singer and Friend of Elvis

Elvis auditioned and signed several singers to be member of his personal gospel group. He named the group Voice. According to Donnie Sumner, he was a member of the group and became a close personal friend of Elvis up until he died. 

In his autobiography, In The Shadow of Kings: From the ‘King of Rock’ to the ‘King of Kings’ – The Donnie Sumner Story, Sumner shares many wonderful stories about Elvis. He even lived with Elvis in Palm Springs.

his very own gospel group. Seeing a religious periodical entitled Voice lying nearby, Elvis chose the name, and Voice was born. They are especially evident on Elvis’ last great album, Today [1975]. The trio remained on call at all hours to sing whenever Elvis felt an urge. Indeed, Mr. Sumner lived with Elvis in Palm Springs. 

One of the gospel songs he sang often was written by Johnny Cash, The Sweet By and By.

According to Sumner, one evening Elvis asked the group to sing the gospel song 18 times, back to back. The lyrics are a sweet description of heaven.

In The Sweet By and By
There's a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar;
For the Father waits over the way
To prepare us a dwelling place there.
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore. 
We shall sing on that beautiful shore 
The melodious songs of the blessed; 
And our spirits shall sorrow no more, 
Not a sigh for the blessing of rest. 
In the sweet by and by, 
We shall meet on that beautiful shore; 
In the sweet by and by, 
We shall meet on that beautiful shore. 
To our bountiful Father above, 
We will offer our tribute of praise 
For the glorious gift of His love 
And the blessings that hallow our days. 
In the sweet by and by, 
We shall meet on that beautiful shore; 
In the sweet by and by, 
We shall meet on that beautiful shore.

As for Elvis’ faith, Sumner is unsure. But he said in his autobiography, “Elvis was the most diligent searcher for ‘eternal life’ truths I have ever known in the secular world.”

Sumner remembers in astonishment Elvis asking him what it means to be saved. Elvis was serious, and Sumner told him in the simplest way he could remember from the years hearing his father preach.

“Realizing, then, that he was seriously trying to determine what ‘being saved’ really was, I made a brief attempt at trying to explain it, the way that I had been taught as a child, in a less than an ecclesiastical rendering.

“Well, the way I understand it – if you believe the story that Jesus really came as they say He did and that He died for sins the way they say He did and the other stuff they say, like, He rose from the dead, went back to Heaven and that He’s coming again someday: If you really truly believe all of that and discount any other way to be right with God as you and I believe Him to be, then you are saved and ‘being saved’ is just a way of saying that you are a ‘born again believer.’”

“Well, what happens then?” Elvis asked.

“Well if you accept by faith the fact that all of this is true and ask the Spirit of Jesus to take control of your living, He will and He’ll help you do stuff like make the right decisions and be a better kind of person. I’ve heard my daddy say, lots of times, ‘If Jesus wasn’t walking with me, I don’t think I could make it.’ I then concluded my ‘redneck’ message with the comment, ‘But the best part is, when you die you go to heaven instead of hell!’”

Sumner concluded that he wasn’t sure of Elvis’ faith, and admitted that the “answer lies between Elvis and God and ‘those two’ alone.”


According to an article on the hollywood.com website in 2017, former British rock star Cliff Richard intends to meet Elvis in heaven when it’s his time to pass on.

Richard recorded a ‘duet’ with Elvis combining his vocals with the rock legend’s sixty-year-old vocals singing the 1956 hit Blue Suede Shoes.

“Despite both being stars of 1950s and 60s rock and roll, Cliff never met Elvis…However as a committed Christian, Cliff, 76, believes he will go to heaven and find Elvis waiting for him.”

Richard revealed his belief in meeting Elvis at some future moment in heaven during an interview program in England. “We’ll meet up there (heaven). I’ll say thank you very much. When we meet, I don’t think it’s going to be a difficult talk. Jesus can translate.”


I John 5:12  He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

Romans 6:23  The wages of sin is death, but the …gift of God is eternal life [through] Jesus Christ our Lord.

Revelations 3:20-21  Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.

John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Revelation 22:4-5  They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.

John 14:1-3  Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

John 13:36  Where I go you cannot follow me now; but you will follow later.


Telegrams From Heaven offers grace to any and all individuals concerning their faith in Jesus Christ. We are not the judge and jury. God is the only one offering judgement.

Let’s end this article with the lyrics from another of Elvis’ favorite songs.

Where No One Stands Alone
Once I stood in the night
With my head bowed low
In the darkness as black as could be
And my heart felt alone and I cried, “Oh Lord
Don’t hide your face from me”
Like a king, I may live in a palace so tall
With great riches to call my own
But I don’t know a thing
In this whole wide world
That’s worse than being alone
Hold my hand all the way, every hour, every day
Come here to the great unknown
Take my hand, let me stand
Where no-one stands alone
Take my hand, let me stand
Where no-one stands alone.

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